Talent - This Girl's got it!!!
I knew way back when she was first dancing and "performing" in our family room while watching the High School's video of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream coat, that this girl was going to be amazing. From solos that she made up as she went...they were always a little different each time you saw them, to leaps that you see above, she is breathtaking to watch. I truly hope she embraces this passion and talent and pursues her dreams in Dance. She can really go far if she continues to believe in her self.
One of the hardest things I had to do in my life was leave Tera, Mike and Jake when we moved to Iowa. Those were my kids. Even though I knew what I had to do to better our life and make it a healthier situation for Jason and I, it still breaks my heart every time I think of leaving them. Yea, we still go back to visit pretty often, and I can talk to them on the phone, but it's just not the same. I can't just swing by and pick up one or all of them just to hang out, go to the zoo, do a little shopping and I miss that. We had "Auntie/Niecie" and "Auntie/Nephew" days - which we'll have to do more of - that were so much fun.
So now, my little girl is all grown up and graduating...I can't believe it. I only hope that she knows how very proud of her I am and I couldn't be happier for her. She has an amazing spirit and I am so Blessed to be her Auntie. May all your Dreams come true little one, your Auntie Shannie loves you so much!!!
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